Artyom Bologov's Projects

By Artyom Bologov

Given my restless/bipolar nature, I'm starting lots of projects—all just to abandon them half a week after. Still, some of them are/were quite fun:

Brainfuck Enterprise Solutions

BES is the company I'm a proud CEO of. Its products (all written in Brainfuck) include:
a minimalist OS with a shell, file system, and a script engine.
somewhat opinionated UNIX ed reimplementation.
Turing-complete Brainfuck meta-interpreter.
a solid fully embeddable string manipulation library.
optimizing compiler from Brainfuck to Lisp, just for the purpose of bootstrapping BF Enterprise Solutions' products.
another shot at Brainfuck implementation, this time interpreted and heavily regex-based.

Atlas Engineer & Nyxt Work

Projects made as part of Nyxt browser work and abstracted from its code.

History Tree
my Bachelor of Arts thesis idea of a browser-global history tree.
convenience library (not a parser!) for JSON indexing, validation, and discovery.
symbol listing and binding inspection library.
custom (GUI too) debugger toolkit for CL.
And Nyxt itself!
Lots of things: WebKitGTK interfacing, graphical object inspection, UI framework building. Like, REALLY LOTS OF THINGS.

Lisp Libraries and Projects

Several Common Lisp projects and libraries around them. Projects:

Graven Image
Portability library for better CLI/text interaction with the running image.
My polyglot blog engine I wrote about.
Solving Advent of Code 2021 only using Common Lisp loop macro.
A Lispy standard library for Lambda Calculus, making it a practical software environment.

Libraries. These are mainly built around the projects above, but often are chaotic:

My Configs

Configs for everything: