Disroot Custom Domain Email Gotcha: Do Not Change the Settings!

By Artyom Bologov

I finally switched to Disroot as my mail provider. Freeing myself from the "Private" Email by Namecheap. The whole process was somewhat chaotic, but I don't regret it. Now my email is managed by an ethical privacy-conscious group of volunteers. What else can one dream of?

One thing that wasn't immediately obvious, though: How do I use my new email?

The onboarding message after domain linking is quite concise. I've already said about it to Disroot people, and they will likely fix it. But I had no luxury of detailed instructions and thus I want to help you. So here goes my only advice: Don't change the settings.

In case you already have a Disroot email—you likely do, because how else would you request domain linking?—your email client is set up to connect to Disroot IMAP/SMTP servers. These settings allow you to get and send emails at/from an address like xxx@disroot.org. The only thing that changes after domain linking is your email address. In my case, I just set my email client address to xxx@aartaka.me, without changing any other settings. And now I can send and receive emails from my own domain—thanks again to Disroot people!

P.S. Here's Emacs (Gnus, in particular) config snippet that does the magic:

(setq user-mail-address "xxx@aartaka.me" ;; Used to be "xxx@disroot.org"
      user-full-name "Artyom Bologov"
      smtpmail-smtp-server "disroot.org"
      send-mail-function 'smtpmail-send-it
      smtpmail-smtp-service 587
      gnus-select-method '(nnimap "disroot.org"))
My Emacs/Gnus disroot email configuration

Implying that you have password and xxx@disroot.org username as server credentials.

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